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legal limit (汽車等的)法定速限。

legal list

The chimes of the bell die down , but as students at pinglin junior high school start studying in class another sound cuts through the tranquility . only 100 meters away from the classroom , the steady rumble of traffic and the noise of tannoy announcements from the hsuehshan tunnel is a constant distraction . according to the ministry of education , the noise levels throughout the campus are within legal limits 上課鐘聲響起,不過坪林國中教室里開始讀書,但還有多了寧靜中劃過的另一個聲音;離教室不到一百公尺,經過雪山隧道的車流噪音,抽風機運轉的巨大聲響,還有不定時的廣播很容易分心。

“ person put forward the 22nd letters and visits from the masses to administrative organ beyond the organizations of treatment for the letters and visits from the masses of people ' s government at all levels directly for their regulations acco rding to the new letters and visits from the masses letters and visits from the masses item , relevant administrative organs should register ; to according with the letters and visits from the masses item that the first paragraph of article 14 of this regulation stipulates and belonging to this legal limits of functions and powers of organ , should accept , does not have prevarication , perfunctory and delaying ; to the item of letters and visits from the masses not belonging to this limits of functions and powers of organ , should tell people put forward the letters and visits from the masses to organ having the right 他們不按照新信訪條例“第二十二條信訪人按照本條例規定直接向各級人民政府信訪工作機構以外的行政機關提出的信訪事項,有關行政機關應當予以登記;對符合本條例第十四條第一款規定并屬于本機關法定職權范圍的信訪事項,應當受理,不得推諉、敷衍、拖延;對不屬于本機關職權范圍的信訪事項,應當告知信訪人向有權的機關提出。

The purpose that is social insurance is the basic life need of the person that safeguard is given to pay , belong to the social security of fundamentality ; the 2 objects that are social insurance are the social laborer inside legal limits ; the 3 main features that are social insurance are the income loss that compensates worker ; the 4 capital that are social insurance basically originate unit of choose and employ persons ( employer ) , laborer ( employee ) lawfully pay cost and country are aided financially and social collect 一是社會保險的目的是保障被給付者的基本生活需要,屬于基本性的社會保障;二是社會保險的對象是法定范圍內的社會勞動者;三是社會保險的基本特征是補償勞動者的收入損失;四是社會保險的資金主要來源于用人單位(雇主) 、勞動者(雇員)依法繳費及國家資助和社會募集。

It is all and immediate pecuniary loss that compensates its to be brought about because of inductrial injury or occupational disease to the laborer of legal limits , to its by country or company unit the life offers the compensation that certain material safeguards the system 是向法定范圍的勞動者補償其因工傷或職業病而導致的全部直接經濟損失,由國家或企業單位對其生活給予一定物質保障的補償制度。

“ we want to drive home the message that just one glass of beer can make motorists exceed the legal limit , seriously impair their ability to drive and endanger their own lives as well as those of other road users , “ said mr whyte 白韋倫說:我們希望提醒駕駛人士,即使飲用一杯啤酒也會導致體內酒精含量超過法定限制,這將嚴重影響他們的駕駛能力,甚至危及自身和其他道路使用者的安全。

Motor vehicle fatalities were the most common form of alcohol - related deaths . the statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood , even if the level was below the legal limit 統計數字表明因酒后駕車導致車禍而死亡的大學生中不僅包括酒精含量超標的人,甚至還包括了那些血液中酒精含量低于法定標準的人。

But not many of them weigh up the most extreme scenarios : how would the world fare if either the flow of migrants were to slow down radically or , conversely , there were no legal limits on migration at all 但許多人不會去衡量最為極端的情景:如果移民流動徹底放緩,或飛速攀升,對移民的法律限制不復存在,那么世界移民的進展狀況又將會如何呢?

Certain government departments that possess administrative monopolies that limit competition misuse their power , and go beyond the legal limit of their authority to break up or seal off the market 某些具有限制競爭的行政壟斷權的政府部門濫用他們的權利,甚至超越其權力的法律限度,破壞或封鎖市場。

The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood , even if the level was below the legal limit 統計數字表明因酒后駕車導致車禍而死亡的大學生中不僅包括酒精含量超標的人,甚至還包括了那些血液中酒精含量低于法定標準的人。

As regards the private sector of the economy , we shall not hamper it , indeed we shall promote and encourage it , so long as it does not transgress the legal limits set by our government 我們對于私人經濟,只要不出于政府法律范圍之外,不但不加阻止,而且加以提倡和獎勵。

The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier , his servants and agents , in the case provided in the preceding paragraph , shall not exceed the legal limits of liability 在前款規定情形下,承運人及其受雇人、代理人的賠償總額不得超過法定的賠償責任限額。

Mister sonsini , in an e - mail back , said “ pretext calls “ were made to phone service providers . but he said the process appeared “ within legal limits . 索尼斯先生在電子郵件回復中說“托辭電話”是為電話服務供應商們提供的。但同時他強調這一過程是在法律范圍之內的。

Mister sonsini , in an e - mail back , said “ pretext calls “ were made to phone service providers . but he said the process appeared “ within legal limits . 在一封電子郵件的回信中,說道,冒名電話是為電話服務供應商而設計的。但是他表示,這個過程實施起來有法律缺陷。

Under the auspices of pun , the pco hopes to be able to set legal limits for both companies and the public in order to prevent possible misuse of personal information 在潘律師的努力下,公署希望能在法律方面,為機構及市民定下界限,以防個人資料被他人濫用。

Rather than just getting rid of the legal limit altogether , mr sarkozy has put in place a web of new rules and incentives to encourage everybody to ignore it 薩科齊先生不是干脆將法定限制完全廢除,而是設置一張由新法規和鼓勵每個人去忽視它的刺激組成的網。

Mister sonsini , in an e - mail back , said “ pretext calls “ were made to phone service providers . but he said the process appeared “ within legal limits . 桑西尼先生在回電子郵件時說, “借口電話“是電話服務商提供的。但是他說這個過程是在法律允許范圍內的。

It ' s the most extreme case of a so - called virtual currency blurring the boundaries between the online and real worlds - - and challenging legal limits 這種極端的事情說明虛擬貨幣和現實貨幣邊際模糊的情況是確有其事,也對現實的法律構成了挑戰。

The apr in respect of credit card lending calculated in accordance with the standardised method should not exceed the legal limit stated in the money lenders ordinance 按照標準方法計算所得的信用卡貸款年利率不應超過放債人條例內的法定上限

Legal limits reachs the occupational disease of a country maintain , be in charge of a branch to be in charge of promulgate and be being carried out by the government 一個國家的職業病法定范圍及認定,是由政府主管部門負責頒布和執行的。